Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a fourth generation (4G) technology developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). LTE is capable of providing downlink speeds of up to 100 Mbps and 50 Mbps uplink. This research has a purpose to do 4G LTE network design in Balikpapan city with a specific target to determine the quality of 4G LTE network design in Balikpapan city through the best signal level, C / (N + I), throughput, RSRP and BLER parameters from the design have been done. The research method was conducted through a survey to the locations of e Node sites needed to obtain a direct picture of the conditions around e Node B followed by plotting 126 e Node B sites in the city of Balikpapan and then proceeding with the network design simulation using Atoll software. From the results of this simulation can be known the quality of the 4G LTE network design in Balikpapan city with the desired parameter values such as best signal level of -69,72 dBm, C / (N + I) value of 5,08. For throughput performance is 11.8034 kbps, while the RSRP value is -115, 88 dBm and the BLER value is 0,03.
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